Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Books are better than video games!

Hey! I know lots of you like video games, but books are just as good! This blog is all about books! I hope you like it! I don't own any DS's or Wiis, not even a PSP! But I manage to survive all the same, off of books! I hope you don't only like this blog, I hope you LOVE it! I am a big fan of
books and I don't think I could live without them! Can you beleive it?! BOOKS ROCK!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Babysitters Club

The Babysitters Club is a bunch of books about 7 girls who started a babysitting club. It comes in a graphic novel as well as a chapter book and I would say most grades 3-6's could read it. The president of the club is named Kristy Thomas, she is a tomboy who loves sports. Next their is Stacey McGill, she is Diabetic and very good at math! The next person is Mary anne Spier, she is shy and quiet and a very good listener. Next their is Dawn Schafer,
Dawn is a California girl she eats only health food and wisshes she were born on earth day. Next is Claudia Kishi, an artist who can make all sorts of things, she even makes a lot of the jewlery that she wears! Jessi Ramsy a black Afrcan girl who loves ballet. next is Mallory Pike who wants to write childrens books when she grows up. You should read these books!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The 39 clues

The 39 clues is a book about 2 kids named Amy and Dan Cahill. At their grandmother Graces funeral they are given a choice they can take a million dollars and just walk away or they cn have the fist of 39 clues hidden around the world. They chose the clue and start a race against 7 other teams to collect the 39 clues and become the most powerfull human beings in the world. It is a very good book for advanced readers bin grade 3 and a really good book for grades 4-6 I have only read the first five books in the series but i'm waiting for the 6th book wich is called, In To Deep.

Mysterious Benedict Society

So I guess you're wondering what the mysterious Benedict Society is, well it's another series of books that I think are really awesome. It's about 4 kids that are all really smart. First there's Reney Mouldoon(age 9 )he is really good at solving riddles and is the only one who can get along with Constance Contraire, (age 4) who is really young but also really smart. She usually gets them places and can put thoughts in your mind! The next peson is actually named George Washington but they call him Stickey (age 9) he has a really good memory, and as you probably guessed became the president of the United States! The next kid is named Kate (age 9) she is very athletic and has a bright red bucket trhat she carries around evry were with her! That book I would recomend for grades 4-5 it's areally good book, you should really read it!

Percy Jackson and the olympians

This post is about a series of books that are all about the greek myths. It is about a boy named Percy Jackson who's father is the god of the sea, Poseidon, At first Percy doesn't know that his dad is Poseidon but eventually he finds out. I would really recomend it for people getting ready for Harry Potter. their are 5 books in the series and I hope that you will try it out!

Harry Potter is awesome!

Photo from, my room!


So you decided to keep reading my blog, good for you! This page is about a book that personnally,I think that is the best book in the entire universe... and the book is called... Harry Potter! Harry Potter is a good book for people that like nice long books not short skinney ones. Harry Potter is also good for people who like books that make them want to laugh and cry at the same time! I strongly recomend it for you if you're a strong reader but not just a beginner!